The Invisible Man and His Soon-To-Be Wife Volume 3: The Little Moments



There comes a time in the life cycle of every slice of life manga where they have to ask the question, “what comes next”? The Invisible Man and His Soon-to-be- Wife has been answering that question with each step forward it takes, and with every turn of the page. Forget the idea of novelty or an end goal, the focal point of this series is following the growth of Yakou and Toumone as a couple. It’s something that ultimately a lot of series can struggle with making engaging or interesting, but with the unique perspective afforded by our lead pairing, the sky’s the limit.

I still deeply deeply appreciate how Iwatobineko approaches Yakou’s blindness. I think the easiest way to explain that feeling is that, much like the complexes or challenges of our other characters that exist, Yakou’s disability is presented as something intrinsic to her as a person, but not something that can define her in her entirety. Looking past the surface level, and having a deeper understanding of what stands in front of you remains a massive part of Yakou’s character, and it’s wonderfully expressed in a little side chapter with Jarashi. For various reasons, Jarashi had to go undercover at a maid cafe, and felt a certain way about the pattern of her coat. However, as Yakou can’t exactly see what pattern Jarashi’s coat is, she simply compliments her on the feel of her fur. It’s an incredibly simple lesson in terms of how others view you, and that what you’re worrying about is likely of no consequence to them.

Really, if you were to walk away with something from The Invisible Man and His Soon-to-be Wife, it would be that Iwatobineko is telling readers that while it’s natural to be worried or conscious of who you are as a person, it’s fine to struggle. It’s fine to worry or stress, because that light at the other end of the tunnel will always be there. Your friends will forgive you, your lover will accept you, and you’ll have no choice but to love yourself. It’s very simple, but it’s something that remains so strong as a theme through these three volumes.

Similarly, and all the while dodging the main point of the series, there’s also how Iwatobineko chooses to depict the various couples of The Invisible Man and His Soon-to-be Wife. Easily the one to put the biggest smile on my face is Daichi and Kosuke’s relationship. Daichi comes off as very standoffish and curt, but he’s no match for Kosuke’s energy- but that doesn’t mean that Kosuke runs away with things. Iwatobineko is able to convey that to readers with an incredibly simple yet endlessly fun chapter about choosing how to do up oysters for dinner that shows the respect, love, and sheer fun that exists within their relationship, even if each character expresses it differently. Conversely, I loved the serious and emotional conversation about our pair of elves, Karuma and Light. It was really interesting to see the more mystical end of their races play into their relationship, but I think it was able to provide some very well expressed drama. Of course, that drama was only ever meant to show to readers how wonderful a couple the pair of potter-shop owners are, but it’s something that can be incredibly daunting and emotional for couples, so credit given where credit’s due for how it was handled.

I suppose I can’t run from the main discussion any longer… is what I would say if I was weak-minded and The Invisible Man and His Soon-To-Be Wife wasn’t a great manga. Let’s talk about the consideration in Yakou and Toumone’s relationship first! While Toumone continues to be more and more daring with each chapter, his tenderness and awareness of Yakou increases. Simple things such as pushing the base of her cocktail glass into her hand, or things as detailed as explaining the layout of a boxed lunch, Toumone covers every base with his interactions, and it really makes it great fun. Similarly, Iwatobineko has just a bit of fun with baiting readers into believing that Yakou might make a comment about her experience or limitations due to her blindness, but at every turn she remains brimming with energy and passion in the most enjoyable ways.

Alright, last thing before I’m forced to face reality and begin bringing this review to a close: Tounome fan service! In similar spirit, but almost entirely opposing fashion, much like Kazuma Satou of Konosuba, I too am a champion of gender equality. I also think that suits regardless of gender are insanely attractive, but that’s neither here nor there. Anyways, I think fan service is a give and take relationship, and that if you abuse it too much or bury yourself in it in one direction, it won’t go over well. Take, for example, Jarashi in her maid outfit. It looks great, it’s revealing enough, and it doesn’t overstay its welcome. But it’d get old quick if that’s all we ever got. So, being able to make use of Tonoume and other male characters becomes a must, and The Invisible Man and His Soon-to-be Wife makes full use of that. I’m sure that no further comment is required.

So, that brings us to the end of this review, where I’ve successfully refused addressing Yakou and Toumone’s relationship- much like this volume does. Now, that’s no slight but it’s just a fun little reality that even the characters address. I get it, once you’ve successfully exited the honeymoon stage, the idea of how your relationship develop next is sort of odd to define. It’s a bit of a no-man’s land, before you talking about long-term commitments like marriage and moving in with one another. Because of that, I think that the sort of vacancy in terms of development between Yakou and Tomoune, in spite of their lovey-dovey nature that’s expressed, works really well.

The Invisible Man and His Soon-to-be Wife continues to be a shining example of adult romance in a manga because of things like that. It appeals to readers in so many different ways that someone will always find something they like with the series. It’s cute, it’s got energy and humor, even good fanservice. There’s an angle of appreciation somewhere for you alongside that incredibly pretty and creative art and those blue backgrounds.

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